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Wanna Learn How We Use Mini-Workshops To Land 5-15 Clients In Just 7 Days?

We have a private workshop April 6th to teach you...

Only 60 Spots Available!!! (no CAP 🧢!!)

We have a private workshop April 6th

to teach you...

oNLY 60 sPOTS Available (no CAP 🧢!!)

When: Thursday April 6th @ 6pm CST

What You'll Learn in This Workshop

Secret One

Learn the proven strategies and tactics to attract more clients as an online coach

Secret Two

How to create compelling content that resonates with your audience, and builds trust fast!

Secret Three

Learn how to convert high-paying clients to maximize your income and achieve financial success

Meet Your Coach,

Remiah Trask

My guarantee to you is that these strategies, when implemented, will make a difference in your life & business. I know when you take action, you’ll get results.

These are the same principles I have followed day in and day out for the last 10 years that have enabled me to contribute to my community, my family, and to the world on a much larger scale than if I was struggling to make ends meet.

My personal goal is to help 100 coaches & experts get to 6 figures and beyond, everything I do has the purpose of getting you closer to that point.

What Others Are Saying...

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